

Using Our GSA Contract

Mason Bruce & Girard, Inc. maintains a Small Business contract with the General Services Administration (GSA) which allows any federal agency to contract directly with MB&G. Our qualifications have been evaluated and our services pre-approved by the GSA. This contract vehicle enables a quick and efficient way to procure our services with preferred pricing.

MB&G GSA Contract Number for all Federal Agencies: 47QRAA21D0090

Services Provided

MB&G provides GSA services through the Environmental Services Schedule 899 under the following Special Item Numbers (SINs):

SIN 541620: Environmental Planning Services and Documentation

  • Environmental Program Management and Regulation Development
  • Endangered Species Surveys and Consultation
  • Wetland Surveys, Permitting, and Mitigation
  • Environmental Impact Statements under NEPA
  • Natural Resource Damage Assessments
  • Environmental Impact Statements and Assessments
  • Economic, Technical, and Risk Analysis

SIN 611430: Environmental Occupational Training

  • Computer-Based Course Development
  • Application-based Training
  • Training Program Development
  • Case Study Development
  • Implementation Kits

SIN 54137: Geographic Information Systems

  • Mapping and Cartography
  • Natural Resource Planning
  • Data Analysis and Delineating
  • Statistical Modeling
  • Emergency Preparedness Planning
  • Application-Specific Development

How to Use a GSA Contract

Follow these steps for an efficient process to access our services. GSA is often the most economical and fastest path to fulfill an agencies contracting requirements.

  1. Create a Statement of Work (SOW) or Request for Quote (RFQ)
  2. Identify at least three GSA contractors who will bid. GSA Schedule holders can be found on GSA Advantage!
  3. Contracting officer sends the SOW / RFQ to the three or more contractors
  4. Issue a task order or a blanket purchase agreement to the firm that provides the “best value” to the government.

Our complete contract, ordering information, terms and conditions, labor categories and pricing are available to view online at the GSA website. Simply click on SIN Number in the table and scroll to ‘Mason, Bruce & Girard’ in the eLibrary listing. MB&G is also registered with the 

Government’s System for Award Management (SAM), the official U.S. system that consolidates firm capabilities.

Contract Contact Information

Please contact Mike Lester, Principal, via email or at 503-224-3445 with any questions regarding this contract vehicle.