

  • Biological Services
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Other Environmental Services
  • Testimonials

Biological Services

MB&G biologists are well trained in evaluating habitats using the most current survey protocols and administering the regulatory requirements affecting fish and wildlife species throughout the Western U.S. Our team offers a comprehensive array of expertise to assist clients during every phase of project design and permitting. In addition, MB&G’s experienced biologists have the capabilities and specific skills needed to assist clients who are pursuing species-focused research and analysis.

Wetland and Stream Delineations

Our staff includes certified Professional Wetland Scientists (PWS) with many years of experience providing wetland and stream delineations, documentation, and permit support for public and private projects. The MB&G wetland group has an exceptional reputation with a 100% acceptance rating for all wetland delineations submitted to the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL).

Fish, Wildlife and Botanical Surveys, and Habitat Assessments

MB&G biologists routinely perform fish, wildlife, and botanical surveys in support of regulatory requirements including the Endangered Species Act (ESA) consultation process. Our staff have excellent working relationships with federal and state agencies that formulate species survey protocols and administer ESA compliance throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Water Quality Sampling

MB&G designs and implements water quality studies to provide baseline information in support of Clean Water Act (CWA) permitting requirements. Our water quality experts have the expertise and equipment to assess impacts to lakes, reservoirs, and streams in addition to evaluating the success of restoration and enhancement projects.

Stream and Wetland Functional Assessments

MB&G routinely perform stream and wetland functional assessments using the Oregon Rapid Wetland Assessment Protocol (ORWAP) and the Stream Function Assessment Method (SFAM) throughout Oregon. Our staff have the qualifications to provide clients with the proper assessments to support their projects.

Regulatory Compliance

MB&G’s Environmental Services Group has extensive experience with regulatory compliance needs triggered by the Endangered Species Act (ESA), Sections 404/401 of the federal Clean Water Act, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), various state removal/fill laws and fish passage laws, Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Washington Shoreline Management Act, and other federal, state, and local environmental regulations. Our firm has an excellent working relationship and reputation with the federal, state, and local regulatory agencies in California, Oregon, and Washington and has provided regulatory strategy and technical support to a wide array of clients and projects.

Federal, State, and Local Resource Permitting

MB&G is a recognized leader in providing environmental permitting services. Our team of biologists, wetland scientists, botanists, mitigation specialists, and regulatory compliance experts have extensive permitting experience with the laws and regulations that govern natural resource protection.

Threatened and Endangered Species Compliance

Threatened and endangered species regulated by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a hallmark service at MB&G. Our staff has a deep breadth of experience performing all aspects of ESA compliance including habitat surveys and documentation, assessment of impacts, developing Habitat Conservation Plans, and preparing Biological Assessment and other programmatic ESA documentation.

National Environmental Policy Act

MB&G offers expertise and leadership in achieving comprehensive National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance. Our NEPA project managers support our clients with project scoping, impact analysis, document preparation, and public involvement management while managing large interdisciplinary teams and building consensus among stakeholders.

Wetland and Clean Water Act Compliance

MB&G provides our clients with a deep breadth of Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL), Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permitting strategy compliance and CWA compliance support. This includes preparing all documentation related to CWA Sections 401 and 404.

Fish Passage Law Compliance

MB&G fish biologists are well-trained in the physical and biological elements that factor into assessing fish passage obstructions and those effects on local fish populations. Our biologists also facilitate fish passage mitigation for projects that have a higher appreciable benefit to migratory fish and higher ecological return on capital investments by providing passage at an off-site location.

Conservation Planning

MB&G environmental staff support clients develop long-term management approaches for their sites using the best available science and integrated mitigation approaches. Our staff routinely work collaboratively with large stakeholder groups in building consensus as part of the conservation planning process.

Other Environmental Services

MB&G biologists provide a full range of environmental services. Our restoration and mitigation planning professionals will inform innovative designs and implement projects to completion to support clients with a wide range of project needs. We offer competitive rates to perform quick field services such as fish salvage and relocation or more thorough due diligence analysis.

Restoration, Planning, Monitoring, and Implementation

MB&G staff include Certified Portland State University River Restoration Professionals and Society for Ecological Restoration Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioners. The success of our environmental restoration projects comes from an understanding of habitat and ecological functions.

Mitigation Planning and Monitoring, and Implementation

MB&G environmental staff have a thorough understanding of the regulatory requirements for mitigation planning and monitoring and support clients with a range of mitigation projects. MB&G staff provide clients with strategy, design, permitting, construction supervision, regulatory compliance, and monitoring for mitigation projects.

Environmental and Construction Monitoring, and Compliance Support

MB&G has extensive experience working collaboratively with engineers, construction staff, and project owners to ensure environmental compliance during construction activities. Our staff includes Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Leads, wildlife biologists, water quality experts, site restoration specialists, and fisheries biologists with expertise in documenting permit compliance for a wide range of construction-related impacts.

Fish Salvage and Relocation

MB&G has extensive experience planning, permitting, conducting, and reporting on fish population sampling projects and in-water construction projects that require fish salvage and relocation efforts. We have successfully completed fish sampling or salvage operations in every major watershed in Oregon.

Due Diligence Support Services

MB&G biologists support our clients with due diligence services that includes special status species surveys, regulatory compliance reviews, and feasibility studies.

Third Party Consultation and Agency Representation

MB&G staff serve as third party staff for public agencies performing a variety of roles including species experts, technical report writers, regulatory compliance experts, and permit application reviewers.


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Get To Know Us


MB&G recognizes the complexity of managing lands. They are more than a commodity, they are our client's natural capital. Lands require stewardship and care. We work with our clients to understand their objectives and provide the required expertise. 


MB&G offers services that support our client's diverse and ever expanding GIS needs. Our rich history provides us with a unique perspective when working with complex natural resource data. Our services are structured to support both large and small scale projects.  


Fire season is starting earlier and lasting longer, which has caused more damage than our communities are used to seeing. In the wake of such destructive events, we have stepped up our efforts to help protect what remains and set up areas on the road to recovery.