Read the latest Forest Sector Outlook here.
As part of our partnership with the Global Consulting Alliance, MB&G helps create the Forest Sector Outlook with five other firms from around the world. This quarterly newsletter gives an economic update on the forest sector worldwide.
The Forest Sector Outlook covers regional reviews for Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, South America, Africa and Russia. Regional reviews provide updates on local market developments and timberland transactions.
MB&G Senior Forester Brent Keller has been assembling the News For Family Forests Newsletter every month since 2017. The newsletter includes a market watch for housing, lumber and logs as well as industry news relevant to forestland owners. Read the November newsletter here. Email [email protected] to subscribe.
READ MOREMB&G Senior Forester Brent Keller has been assembling the News For Family Forests Newsletter every month since 2017. The newsletter includes a market watch for housing, lumber and logs as well as industry news relevant to forestland owners. Read the October newsletter here. Email [email protected] to subscribe.