

Forester’s Day 2023

MB&G celebrated the 10th annual Forester’s Day last week. Forester’s Day is a once a year MB&G event where foresters at the company get together & do a field day to increase information sharing & team building in the profession.

This year, MB&G foresters met at our North Bend, Oregon office. They spent the first day discussing new Oregon Private Forest Accord (PFA) rules and how they will affect forestry work. The next day our foresters traveled to a tree farm out North Bend office manages and went to active and non-sold sales to look at how the PFA rules will change those units in the future, and we discussed impacts, challenges and concerns our foresters have with those.

MB&G aims to make Forester’s Day educational, but it’s also a great time for our foresters from every office to socialize. The group  ate dinner at some food trucks and played tournament style axe throwing. The “Thunderbirds” team won with Andy, Reggie, Sara and Edie!