

Highlighting MB&G’s Wildfire Recovery Work – ESG’s 25 Year Anniversary

MB&G is excited to share that 2022 marks the 25th anniversary of our Environmental Services Group (ESG). Throughout 2022, this important milestone will be commemorated by looking back at the group’s formation, highlighting a few key projects, and featuring our staff and their work.

This month we are highlighting our environmental compliance work on the ODOT Hazard Tree Debris Removal project where the field work recently concluded. For more than 1.5 years our environmental team provided erosion and sediment control oversight and environmental compliance throughout each of the fire corridors caused by the 2020 Labor Day Fires in Oregon.

Our environmental compliance specialists identified onsite sensitive and regulated resources as part of their environmental compliance support during the cleanup activities. They worked in major transportation corridors in Oregon impacted by wildfires and assessed and noted sensitive habitat features near waterways, wetlands, and/or those regulated by federal state, and local environmental laws. Other tasks and certifications included:

  • Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Leads identifying areas of potential erosion and providing recommendations for remediation
  • Preparing permit applications for debris removal actions statewide
  • Daily onsite environmental compliance field support during debris removal operations
  • Coordination with regulatory agencies and project stakeholders

The project was a major success for Oregon and an opportunity for MB&G to support the communities where we have worked and lived since 1921.