Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) and MB&G will host a half-day webinar on Nov. 16, highlighting the findings of an Institute-commissioned study examining the economic impacts of the 2020 Labor Day wildfires on Oregon’s forest-related businesses and industries.
The 2020 Labor Day Fires webinar, which will be held from 1 to 4:30 p.m., will feature economists, researchers, landowners and forest managers discussing the impacts presented in the 2020 Labor Day Fires – Economic Impacts to Oregon’s Forest Sector study.
The 104-page study, prepared for OFRI by Mason, Bruce & Girard and Forest Economic Advisors, was published this fall. It relies on extensive research, surveys and interviews to create the most comprehensive summary to date of the economic impacts of this megafire event, which burned more than 1 million acres across western Oregon.
MB&G Senior Forester Brent Keller has been assembling the News For Family Forests Newsletter every month since 2017. The newsletter includes a market watch for housing, lumber and logs as well as industry news relevant to forestland owners. Read the October newsletter here. Email [email protected] to subscribe.
READ MOREMason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. (MB&G) worked to establish and maintain a fuel break across 2,600 acres to protect nearby communities, diminish fire behavior, and improve firefighter safety. The team created a stand examination plan with 100 plots, collection forest type, primary fire carrier for vegetation, aspect, slope, tree data, and photos for fuel model […]