

MB&G’s California Forestry Team Developing Vegetation Management Strategies

Our California Forestry Team has been out in the field performing planning for the implementation of vegetation management in the forest setting. While out roaming the area one of our registered professional foresters came across a few things of note that are particularly relevant reminders during Wildfire Awareness Month.

While walking the area, we came across a herd of cows. These livestock are incredibly helpful to the area as they consume fine fuels through grazing, such as grasses, shrubs, and smaller vegetation. These fuels can act as kindling in wildfire ignition and are one of the worst offenders in the ladder fuel landscape.

Cowboy hats off to this excellent group of wildfire fuel reductionists.

We also came across a tree effected with the phytopthera pathogen. This pathogen is causing rapid mortality of oak species in northern California forests, oak woodlands, and Chaparral environments. Awareness of this issue is incredibly important to land managers and homeowners.

Sudden oak death via the phytopthera pathogen

And finally, although we were out planning for the implementation of vegetation management in the forest setting, we were also near residential property and it was a great reminder for home owners to enact defensible space. At least 50% of home ignitions from wildfire are caused by burning embers, which makes it a priority that every person take responsibility and action to protect their home from the threat of wildfire. Here is a great video from the National Fire Protection Association on how to do just that.