Southern California Edison (SCE) was interested in a potential carbon sequestration program on their 20,000 +/- acres of mixed conifer, uneven aged timberland located near Shaver Lake, California. The timberland had been impacted by severe drought, beetles, and the 2020 Creek Fire, which impacted 2,500 acres.
Mason, Bruce & Girard (MB&G) provided an updated and reliable forest inventory to assist with management decisions and the potential carbon project. MB&G designed a robust forest inventory, collected field data, compiled the results, and provided an updated database.
The forest inventory for the Shaver Lake tree farm was designed by MB&G to meet the precision and accuracy requirements of +/- 5% at the 90% confidence interval of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). MB&G followed the sampling and measurement protocols outlined in the Climate Action Reserve’s Standard Inventory Methodology v1.0. All aspects of the project from design, data collection, analysis, and reporting were overseen by MB&G. A report summarizing the findings was provided to SCE, along with the inventory data collected.
MB&G assessed the area to understand the management history, existing data, variability, and project objectives. This included reviewing project goals and objectives with SCE, reviewing statistical precision and accuracy requirements, and reviewing project timelines. All information and data available was gathered, including tabular and GIS data. The stand boundaries were reviewed using aerial imagery and other GIS layers including roads and hydrology. The sampling area was finalized along with the net area calculations.
MB&G cruisers began collecting information. Cruisers navigated to within 50 – 100 feet of the target plot center and used a GPS unit to identify a bearing and distance to plot center. Then a compass and loggers tape were used to navigate the final distance and establish plot center where data was collected. At each plot, detailed tree measurements were captured and recorded on a tablet. A check cruise and field audit was conducted on a portion of the plots. The data was compiled and MB&G generated an updated forest inventory for SCE.
See our full project sheet here.
In order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring February 11th as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Mason, Bruce & Girard (MB&G) is celebrating by […]
READ MOREMB&G is excited to announce the opening of MB&G’s new office in Sonora, CA, our second location in the state! The first office, located in Auburn, CA, has served us well since 2004. Over the past few years, we’ve expanded our forestry and environmental services to cover more areas south of Auburn, and the growing […]
READ MORERead the latest Forest Sector Outlook here. As part of our partnership with the Global Consulting Alliance, MB&G helps create the Forest Sector Outlook with five other firms from around the world. This quarterly newsletter gives an economic update on the forest sector worldwide. The Forest Sector Outlook covers regional reviews for Asia-Pacific, Europe, North […]