

  • Transaction Services
  • Land Management
  • Data Management and Analysis
  • Testimonials

Transaction Services

MB&G’s licensed appraisers and forest analysts help our clients buy and sell lands and easements. We understand forestland markets across the United States and Internationally and help our clients find the best value.

Market Insight

MB&G’s staff work in forest markets across the US. Whether it is timber, carbon, or emerging environmental services markets, MB&G helps our clients understand these markets and make decisions of whether, how, and when to invest.


Our appraisers are licensed in 18 states. We have completed international appraises. We have extensive experience with plantations of eucalyptus and teak in Latin America.

Due Diligence

MB&G’s forest analysis conduct due diligence assessments on lands across the US and internationally. We can analyze a seller’s inventory and GIS data, create a set of long-term yield tables, and develop a harvest scheduling model. Our experienced field foresters can assess stand and road conditions and operability of a tree farm.

Inventory Verification

Our field-based inventory verification efforts provide a check on an entire inventory system by presenting the opportunity to complete a “cruise to inventory” comparison.

Land Management

MB&G offers the full range land management services from planning to implementation. We work with landowners of all scales, helping our clients achieve their particular objectives. We understand local markets and help our clients maximum return from their lands, not matter if the project is timber, carbon, or non-timber forest products.

Investment Timberland

MB&G manages investment timberland properties clients large and small. We oversee and manage all aspects of the land management operations including timber sale layout and administration, reforestation, silviculture prescriptions, and general property maintenance. We understand investment return drivers and local markets to help our client’s maximize value.

Family Forest Lands

Our foresters work directly with family forestland owners to get the most from their lands. People own forestland for many reasons, from economic to aesthetic, and our professional foresters help our clients meet their objectives.

Hazard Tree Assessment

MB&G has ISA Certified Arborists®, ISA TRAQ Certified Arborists®, and ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified® staff. Our arborists have experience identifying and assessing hazard trees post fire, assessing trees that are hazards to transmission and distribution lines, and assessing general tree health of urban trees.

Forest Health & Fuels Management

We provide forest health and fuels management expertise, including identifying fuel breaks, designing treatments to treat ladder fuels and reduce density, and oversight and management of tree removal.

Data Management and Analysis

Our forest analysts, biometricians, and forest land planners manage forest inventory data for families, state and local governments, and large-scale timberland managers. They perform custom analyses to help our clients make informed decisions about the lands they manage.

Carbon Analysis

Our analysts help our clients understand carbon dynamics and natural climate solutions. Our work includes analysis of management options on carbon storage, carbon inventories, and carbon policy analysis. In addition, we help clients understand trends in carbon markets and impacts of climate change on forests and carbon.

Inventory Management

MB&G manages tabular and spatial inventory data for approximately 2 million acres of forest land in the US. We manage inventories to meet our clients’ reporting and decision making needs. We offer inventory management using our own MBGTools system as well as other systems.


Our biometricians help our clients better understand their forests. We help clients calibrate growth models, develop yield curves for carbon and timber, provide custom statistical analysis and assess inventory quality.

Cruise Management

MB&G’s forest inventory specialists design cruises with statistically valid designs, staff management, and data management.

Remote Sensing

We provide comprehensive remote sensing services that incorporate the latest technology, including LiDAR. Our experience with image analysis, data preparation and image classification is extensive, utilizing both moderate and high-resolution aerial and satellite imagery.

Forest Economic Analysis

MB&G helps clients understand forest economics at the stand scale up to the market scale.


We're here to help.

Get To Know Us


MB&G’s biologists, botanists, wetland scientists, and natural resource specialists provide our clients with sound environmental support and guidance.  


MB&G offers services that support our client's diverse and ever expanding GIS needs. Our rich history provides us with a unique perspective when working with complex natural resource data. Our services are structured to support both large and small scale projects.  


Fire season is starting earlier and lasting longer, which has caused more damage than our communities are used to seeing. In the wake of such destructive events, we have stepped up our efforts to help protect what remains and set up areas on the road to recovery.