

Appraisal Services Group

View and download our Eastern Appraisal Flyer here and contact Phil Bailey for more information.

View and download our Western Appraisal Flyer here and contact Zach Dewees for more information.

MB&G provides appraisal services throughout North America and around the globe. Our client list includes corporations, investment management organizations, REITs, institutional investors, lenders, conservation organizations, government agencies, and more.

We provide expert timberland appraisal services focusing on large, investment grade commercial timberlands across all forest regions of the U.S. Our staff includes state certified appraisers and MAI’s with education and experience in forest management, finance, and valuation. We excel in producing reports that are well written and provide credible results.

Our appraisers have a broad range of experience in the valuation of natural resource lands for conservation easements or fee acquisition for conservation purposes. Since 2010, we have appraised over 320,000 acres of conservation easements and conservation land acquisitions. We have completed valuation assignments in Belize, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Hungary, Panama, Poland, Romania, and Uruguay. Our experience with hardwood plantations has centered around eucalyptus and teak in Latin America.