Today marks the start of #EarthWeek from now until April 22nd on #EarthDay! “Ever wonder how Earth Day began? The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970, when San Francisco activist John McConnell and Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson separately asked Americans to join in a grassroots demonstration. Dealing with dangerously serious issues concerning […]
READ MOREMB&G works directly with landowners to figure out what objectives are the most important. People own forestland for many reasons. Whatever the reason, from economic to aesthetic, a professional forester can help you meet your objectives in an efficient and effective way. Check out our monthly News For Family Forests newsletter.
READ MORETeak Awareness Day takes place on April 12 in the U.S. For over a decade, the staff at MB&G have been working on teak plantation and other forest valuations across Central America. These photos show an inspection trip a few years ago to eastern Panama to look at a client’s teak plantations. Native to Southeast […]
READ MOREWe are in the home stretch of planting season! Snow is still covering a few areas that need to get planted, but when the snow melts and crews are able to get the last seedlings in the ground, MB&G foresters will have supervised the planting of approximately 2.5 million trees this season. It’s a huge […]
READ MOREAfter eight years of managing the first turnkey, full-delivery mitigation project for the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), we are excited to announce that the Pioneer Mnt. – Eddyville (PME) Turnkey Mitigation Project has moved into the long-term stewardship phase through a MB&G-brokered partnership between ODOT, The Wetlands Conservancy, and Weyerhaeuser. MB&G led a multi-disciplinary […]
READ MOREEMA and ODOT have officially released their Culturally Modified Tree (CMT) training video. This was produced as mitigation for adverse effects to some CMTs during the ODOT Wildfire Recovery Hazard Debris Management project. The video highlights why CMTs should be recorded and protected, while underscoring the importance of early and frequent communication with local Tribes […]
READ MOREEvery year MB&G attends the Oregon Logging Conference. This year, we had a great booth set up with giveaways and the opportunity to chat with attendees. Our staff also attended the Oregon Women in Timber auction, which raised $147,000 for the Talk About Trees program. A gorgeous painted conk was donated by one of our […]