MB&G Senior Forester Brent Keller has been assembling the News For Family Forests Newsletter every month since 2017. The newsletter includes a market watch for housing, lumber and logs as well as industry news relevant to forestland owners. Read the April newsletter here. Read the March newsletter here. Email [email protected] to subscribe
READ MORESouthern California Edison (SCE) was interested in a potential carbon sequestration program on their 20,000 +/- acres of mixed conifer, uneven aged timberland located near Shaver Lake, California. The timberland had been impacted by severe drought, beetles, and the 2020 Creek Fire, which impacted 2,500 acres. Mason, Bruce & Girard (MB&G) provided an updated and […]
READ MOREMB&G celebrated the 11th annual Foresters Day May 7th and 8th this year. Foresters Day is a once a year MB&G event where foresters at the company get together to learn more about the profession in a classroom and in the field to increase information sharing and team building. This year, MB&G foresters met in […]
READ MOREChelan County has been working to develop a forest products campus within the County. A forest products campus would use timber thinned from within the county and across central Washington to make a variety of wood products. The video below, produced by the County, shows an overview of the project and features MB&G’s Mike Buffo […]
READ MORERead the latest Forest Sector Outlook here. As part of our partnership with the Global Consulting Alliance, MB&G helps create the Forest Sector Outlook with five other firms from around the world. This quarterly newsletter gives an economic update on the forest sector worldwide. The Forest Sector Outlook covers regional reviews for Asia-Pacific, Europe, North […]
READ MOREMB&G adopted a section of Highway 22 in 2022 to maintain as part of our established community service program. This section of Highway 22 has a particularly sentimental meaning for our team as it is where our field work started on the ODOT Hazard Debris Removal project in the Beachie Creek fire corridor in December […]